Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Is Amazon's new phone the ultimate buying machine? Mango is ready.

With Amazon's new release about their Fire Phone, the interwebs are a 'tizzy with dialogue about whether this phone is the ultimate buying machine or doomed to failure and will never catchup with iPhone and Android phones.

The new phone runs a custom version of Android branded as Amazon's own operating system, and consists of it's own look and feel and own Amazon app store.  The phone is a well designed piece of hardware that will make purchasing products from the web (including Amazon.com) simpler and easier.

Here at Mango we are all about local deals, coupons, and saving money, and we are excited about Amazon's new phone.  The Mango app is already available on iTunes and Android and we are making plans to have the app available for the new Amazon phone.  We believe that consumers should have the power of choice so we want Mango to be available on any platform.

Stay tuned for more upcoming developments!

-The Mango guys.

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