Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Mango App is now on Android

We are super stoked to have the Mango app available in the Google Play store for Android.  We've had the iPhone version for a couple months, and after many requests and pleading from our restaurant partners and customers we are happy to say that the app is hear!

We decided to take a slightly different approach to the Android app so if you are lucky enough to have both an iPhone and an Android phone, then you will notice some differences between the two.  The most important part is the same - both have great deals and savings in the Tampa bay and St. Petersburg area! Some of the deals are and will be exclusive, and some will be the same as you'll find elsewhere, but just easier to view and navigate.

If you're interested, download the Google version here.

We've got more exciting things in the works, so stay tuned!

- The Mango guys

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