Thursday, May 22, 2014

The secret theory behind mobile marketing

While Mango is new to the app store, mobile marketing itself is not new. Many of the major advertisers are playing in the space and determining what works best.  Here at Mango, our objective is to provide a true win for the customers to find local deals and savings and a true win for local Tampa Bay restaurants to promote their deals and improve customer loyalty.

We believe leveraging mobile marketing comes down to two main things:

1. Repeat customers.

When a customer is in your establishment and has had a great experience, that is the best time to sign them up for a repeat loyalty program. With Mango, local restaurants and retailers can encourage patrons to download the Mango App for free.  The next key part of the strategy is to list a coupon that will attract them to revisit.  Starbucks does a great job of this with their "treat receipts" - bring your receipt back after 2pm that day for "x dollars" off another coffee drink.  With the Mango app, the next time the user is within 5 miles of the store, they will get that promotion that you have strategically listed.

2. New customers.

With a rapidly increasing user base, more and more people in the Tampa Bay area are driving around looking for local places and in fact, impulse-buys.   Decades of research shows us that consumers are affected by impulse buys -when they are hungry, they are more likely to purchase higher quantities of food in a grocery store, and if they are looking for a restaurant, they will look for the closest place that has a good price.  Be strategic here and list a coupon that will cater to first-time visitors.

Good luck with your next promotion!

- The Mango guys

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